It’s easy to think that your grocery bags, both paper and plastic, are simply out of commission after you empty them out at home. But, it is helpful to know some special ways that these bags can be used in home projects, creative projects, and even for daily needs.

The first of some very creative ways to reuse your paper and plastic grocery bags include a paper wreath cut from a paper bag, painted green, and then glued together. Maybe some of your plastic shopping bags are colorful, and they can create a bright and decorative pom pom. Lastly, those plain plastic bags may not be usable for a creative project, but they can help during a home paint project and be used to cover brushes and rollers in order to save paint while you take a break.

There are also some separate ways that your plastic and paper bags can be used in everyday life. Take a look!

Some common uses for your paper grocery bags include:

  1. Use them for compost.
  2. Use them for recycling containers.
  3. Cover your books.
  4. Prevent weeds in your garden.
  5. Use them as gift bags and tags.
  6. Use them for your kids’ arts and activities.

It’s helpful that paper bags are recyclable, so they can always be thrown in the recycling bin. However, it is lucky that they can also provide some other help around the house, both inside and out.

Additionally, you have some basic uses available for plastic grocery bags. While these aren’t necessarily always recyclable, they can still be helpful in some basic household chores. Some of these include:

  1. Protect your side view mirrors with them.
  2. They provide cheap packing material in boxes.
  3. Keep your shoes in perfect condition by wrapping them with bags.
  4. Also wrap your plants to protect them from frost or other weather.
  5. Creative crafts like woven baskets, rugs, jump ropes, flower pots, and crochet yarn!

Some of these options are quite surprising and hard to imagine how they could be done. But, in times like today, there is nothing like the ability to reuse the items you are stuck with when you come home from the store. We are all guilty of simply throwing them out, but if they can be reused for other things we need to do around the house it is a great option for the planet!