Sunday, May 12, 2024

Creative Christmas Crafts To Do With Your Friends and Family

Looking for some fun and creative Christmas crafts to do with your friends and family? Check out our top 6 below! From gingerbread houses...

A Brief History of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of America's most cherished holidays. It has a rich history that spans centuries. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 by...

The History of Veterans Day

Veterans Day has a rich history that spans more than 100 years. Veterans Day began as Armistice Day, a day to commemorate the end...

7 Benefits Of Being A Good Person

Being a good person has many benefits. When you’re a good person, you put others before yourself. You’re always looking out for others and doing...

How Did Halloween Begin?

Do you know where Halloween got its start? Most people assume it is just a holiday made up to have fun and dress up,...

What Is The Origin of Labor Day?

If someone asked, "What is Labor Day?" could you answer it? Many people don't know anything about the holiday other than that it is...

Why do Leaves Change Colors

Our beautiful fall leaves provide such a colorful scene for this time of year. It helps determine the colors for our wonderful autumn holidays...

History of Candy Corn

With candy corn commonly referenced as “Halloween’s most contentious sweet,” there is much to say about the history of its development. Containing the common...

Leo Fun Facts

If you were born during the first three weeks of August you have much of an exciting personality drawn from your astrological sign of...

Icecream from all around the world

As the hot weather makes its way into our lives, it only makes sense to keep the coldest food and drinks coming in. One...

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